
“Volunteering in COVID-19 Pandemic”

National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, as in every disaster and emergency, are at the forefront of fighting the COVID - 19 outbreak affecting the whole world. 

In these difficult days, OIC Red Network Secretariat facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experience among its members.


Accordingly, the Network Secretariat has designated thematic webinars where the representatives of the National Societies shared their work, practices, and methods in their relevant areas of expertise in combatting COVID - 19. By doing so, the Secretariat aimed to disseminate best practices in our Network, thereby contributing to the synergy of collective response to the COVID-19 response in the Movement.


As the OIC Red Network Secretariat, we wholeheartedly thank the volunteers and staff of the Mozambique Red Cross Society, Ugandan Red Cross Society, and Pakistan Red Crescent Society for their willingness to share their time and expertise on the topic.

Subject: Volunteering Activities of Mozambique Red Cross for Prevention and Control Measurements

Speaker: Julio Mondlane, Mozambique Red Cross

Subject: Changing Volunteering in a Pandemic: Uganda Red Cross Society’s Volunteering activities.

Speaker: Mrs. Irene Nakasiita, Coordinator of Communications and Public Relations, Uganda Red Cross Society 

Subject: Contribution of Volunteering Activities in the Fight against COVID-19

Speaker: Mr. Mohammed Adeel, Maldives Red Crescent


Media Area
Title “Volunteering in COVID-19 Pandemic”
Country Mozambique,Uganda,Pakistan
Partner Mozambique Red Cross, Uganda Red Cros, Pakistan Red Crescent
Related Links Webinar,